Archive for Barriers to Business Series

Barriers to Business: The Six Dollar Bottle of Water

bottled-waterLet’s imagine you are traveling, probably on business, and you’ve just arrived at the hotel. You are a “valued member” of the chain’s affinity program, earning many points during the year. The desk clerk welcomes you back by name and asks how your trip was. He then lets you know you’ve been upgraded to a suite and hands you coupons for drinks during happy hour and breakfast in the morning. “Wonderful!” you think, “This is why I stay here.”

Arriving at the room you notice the view, the fluffy, comfy bed linens and the free wi-fi. “It can’t get any better than this.” You unpack your laptop, plug in, get online and start firing out e-mails. As you work you reach for one of the bottles of water conveniently located on the desk. You’re about to open it when you notice the tag hanging from the plastic cap – $6.00. $6.00!?!

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